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Witcher - Netflix - and my mind trailed off to nowhere land

I just finished watching Witcher on Netflix and for the life of me I can’t understand what happened?!!!

They stopped Season 1 abruptly.. why Cavill .. why would you do that?!

For those of you who’re wondering what this is about - Witcher is a new series by Netflix Originals with main lead done by our very own DC man the “superman” Henry Cavill . And while we sit here applauding his - Hmmmmmmmm - acting skills, and leaving me in - HMMMMM. This series is about all magic and dragons and witchery everything that a grown bad ass Harry Potter would do.

There were way too many loose end in the series and there were parts that did not make sense at all. Really confused me!!!!

The timeline seemed totally off the charts - rather it was Blown Out of Proportion.

My hubby saw the series before me and he just couldn’t stop praising how “awesome” the series was.

This made me curious coz half the time by hubby is sleeping with the tv on and never even remembers a series without mixing up two different shows.

So like a pati vrata wife I followed my hubby footsteps and lo behold .... :X

As usual DC man has left me speechless or rather with a big “HMMMMMMM”

I would love to hear from you guys what’s your take on this one.

Poinys of concern:

We know, he so called “Found” the girl in the middle of nowhere - kinda premeditated since you see the trail of the final riots the time line did not match.

When the man ran off with the girl in the horse how the hell did manage to get caught and killed by the shapeshifter in the first few episodes.

So, the little girl had enough time to visit the enchanted forest an comeback.

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