My name is Bhanumati. This name was given to me by my aunt, she loved this name and wanted to keep for her daughter. Sadly, unfortunately, or by mere coincidence I was born first, and as per my birth chart 'Bh' was the most favourable alphabet. Lo-behold I was named - Bhanumati.
Its been 41 years now and for the life of me I still don't understand how this name has been favourable for me. Anyhow's, moving on!
Since my teens I was well aware of the fact that I shared my name with Duryodhana wife. However, today while web hopping I came across and interesting article where it said the name 'Bhanumati' also belonged to Pandavas wife as well.
As described in text - 'Bhanumati, exquisitely young and beautiful. More than her beauty it her child like innocence that captured the heart of Sri Krishna.' Within the palace of Hastinapur there was a secluded place called as 'Bhanumati's Garden.'
This got me intrigued and as I went on to read further it got disturbing. Here's what happened - It was during a time when Duryodhana invited Sri Krishna as a guest. Duryodhana had made plans to get Sri Krishna intoxicated enough to make him commit to a dubious scheme against the Pandavas.
Everyone at the gathering in Krishna’s honour were drunk and were out of their senses by nightfall, including Duryodhana and Bhanumati.
Bhanumati, tried to entice Sri Krishna with her charm, but fell asleep while doing so, much to Krishna's amusement. Krishna carried intoxicated Bhanumati to Gandhari’s chambers, Gandhari was aghast on learning the proceedings of the evening. The next morning, Bhanumati told Duryodhana about the whole episode making sure not to miss out on how Sri Krishna carried her to Gandhari's chamber. Duryodhana felt embarrassed about his scheme.
Bhanumati was ever grateful and reverent to Krishna, hence became a devotee of Vishnu.
There is also another story when Duryodhana and Krishna walked in on Bhanumati and Karna in a dubious situation, but that's a story for another time.
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